BELIEVE: facing the biggest battle of your life
-WHY must I believe?
-WHAT must I believe?
-HOW do I believe?
1. Read John 3:3-5. What is unique about the phrase “born again” in this context?
2. Read John 3:18-19. What is our diagnosis according to verse 18 and how can it be fixed?
3. Read John 3:14-15. What was the purpose of Jesus using an Old Testament example when helping Nicodemus understand being “born again”?
4. Read Numbers 21:4-9 and Isaiah 52:14. What happened to the focus of the Israelites? What did God use to make his point? How does the Isaiah passage connect to the Numbers passage?
5. Read Ezekiel 36:25-26, 11:19. Who is truly in control of your salvation? With what part of you do you believe?
For pondering: God’s kingdom is not a democracy, it is a theocracy.