Growing Faith

Nov 14, 2021

Growing Faith
-Faith to seek Jesus
-Faith to go
-Faith to believe

1. Read John 4:43-45. What is unique about Jesus going back to his hometown?

2. Read John 4:46-49. What resonates with you about this passage? How would you have responded if Jesus rebuked you in this situation?

3. Read 2 Kings 5:11-13. Have you ever been angry that your healing didn’t come straight away? Can you identify a “servant” in your life who may be encouraging you to do what the Healer has suggested… no matter how strange the treatment sounds?

4. Read John 4:51-52. What happened when Jesus spoke a “word”? What was significant about the timing?

5. Read John 20:29. How does this verse challenge you?

For pondering: Are you preoccupied with your expectation of how Jesus will heal you that you might be missing out on the “word” that has already been spoken?