Life - You either have it or you don't
Life - you either have it or you don’t
-Jesus is unlike anyone else
-Jesus is the life-giving bread
-Jesus is the broken bread
1. Read John 6:22-27. What “special” bread/ food have you been looking for instead of looking to Jesus as your DAILY BREAD?
2. Read John 6:31-33. Who did the people claim gave their ancestors manna? Who actually gave them the manna?
3. Read John 6:33-36. What do the people say they want? What harsh reality does Jesus point out to them?
4. Read Leviticus 2:4-6. What does this Old Testament passage symbolize? Why is this passage important in reference to what Jesus claims about himself?
For pondering: Are you working to leave a legacy of “bread” that spoils or are you intentionally working to give your loved ones the “bread of life”?