Do you want it?
Do you want it?
-The chaos by the colonnades
-The command of Christ
-The condition of man’s heart
1. Read John 5:1-6. As you pay close attention to the details John is sharing, what elements stand out to you as you visualize this “pool”?
2. Read John 5:7-9. What stands out to you about the man’s answer? What three things did the man have to do to embody Jesus’ healing power?
3. Read John 5:10-13. Reread this passage while considering WHY the Jews were saying what they did? Do you have more grace for this group of people after considering their “why”? Can you see yourself ever having been like this group of Jews?
4. Read John 5:14 and James 5:16. What do these passages have in common? Read Psalm 32:3-4. How does the Psalm passage relate to the other two passages?
5. Read Lamentations 2:14. How does this contrast with the character of Jesus?
For pondering: You need to check the condition of your heart when following Jesus becomes an inconvenience rather than a delight.