Identity Crisis
Dec 5, 2021
Identity Crisis
-Relationship with Father
-The honorable judge
1. Read John 5:19. What does this verse tell us about the Father and the Son?
2. Read John 5:20-21. Why would this truth have blown the present day Jews’ minds? Why was this so hard for them to grasp?
3. Read John 5:22-23. All of what was given to the Son? What does this mean for those who refuse the Son?
4. Read Philippians 3:1-3. Why is it good for us to be reminded again and again of things? Who did Paul caution the Philippians to be wary of?
5. Read Romans 8:1-4. What was weakened in verse 3? Where does our freedom come from?
For pondering: Put yourself in the shoes of a pre-Cross Jew. Remember all they had been taught and how that differs from what we, a post-Cross believer, know.